Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden is one of the world’s most beautiful gardens,
and a favourite garden to so many of Cape Town’s generations,
right here in our own backyard, which has been played in, photographed, walked in and enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of visitors,
by day and by night.
It is home to concerts, to shows and to numerous exhibitions; some permanent and some ever changing.
The most stunning ever-changing exhibition is the seasonal collage put on by Nature herself.
Flowers light up the small hills and dells, and throw carpets of colour every where one looks.
The present man-made show, UNTAMED,
is an absorbing and thought provoking exhibition that explores
the lost balance between humankind and nature
and the theme of wilderness and what its loss entails to the human psyche.
It is a collaborative project between sculptor Dylan Lewis,
poet,psychologist, psychiatrist Ian McCallum,
architect Enrico Daffonchio, and Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden.
It is a place filled today with creatures large, small, mythical and true
and , if one knows where to look, it is also a magical mysterious place of secret light, hidden pathways,
and shaded waterfalls
that enchant and delight
Bruce Wade
September 15, 2010
@ 7:33 am
The noise of life is often too loud to see what we have as natural assets in our lives. We need to stop and look at what beauty is around us.
Thanks Frenske for the reminder of this.
Awesome pics, will have to take the family there this weekend.
September 15, 2010
@ 4:10 pm
thanks so much Bruce. These gardens are part of our families collective memory from way back ’til the present, and into the future i am sure!
Veronica Wilson
September 15, 2010
@ 5:55 pm
Thank you, Frenske! Now I don’t have to formulate words to explain to people overseas why I like to live in Cape Town; I can simply click and email your wonderful photographs which make words unnecessary. with love, Veronica x
Adrian Galley
September 15, 2010
@ 6:53 pm
Wow Frenske! Thank you for seeing the beauty that I sometimes miss just because I don’t know how to look.
Alexandra Fisher
October 11, 2010
@ 2:25 pm
You’ve captured the awesome -ness of Kirstenbosch – would love you to do this through the seasons…there’s always something changing at Kirstenbosch
Steve Bailey
October 11, 2010
@ 2:50 pm
Some beautiful results, colours and angles, well done a very good collection of work